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I would like to share with you my experience of how I manage to overcome writer's block and the tools I use. When we talk about "Writer's Block" it often refers to a situation where a person has been trying unsuccessfully for some time to come up with an idea, paragraph, sentence or article. In this article I will discuss the symptoms associated with Writer's Block and how you can alleviate them through other means. In order to deal with Writer's Block, one must first understand what triggers its development in the first place. I have experienced Writer's Block a few times. Each time it was a little different and I would not know what triggered it. However, once I figured out what it was coming from, I knew how to address those triggers that caused those episodes of Writer's Block to occur. In this article I will discuss those things that can cause you to have writer's block as well as how you can avoid them. In addition, I will also go over the tools you can use for research as well as other techniques that worked for me in the past and still work today to help me come up with ideas and thoughts on a daily basis. What is Writer's Block and What Triggers It? When we talk about Writer's Block we often associate it with a situation where a person has been trying unsuccessfully for some time to come up with an idea, paragraph, sentence or article. In this article I will discuss the symptoms associated with Writer's Block and how you can alleviate them through other means. Numerous times I have asked people what causes them to get writer's block. A few said they did not know exactly what caused it but they knew the feeling of when it started and when it ended. One person mentioned that she could feel her stomach tightening up and she felt uneasy and uncomfortable while experiencing this sensation. Another told me that her lower back would start to ache and just writing 1 sentence was painful while she got this sensation. A third person told me that while sitting in front of the computer, her body would chill just sitting there. She felt cold and stiff all over her body. Another said she had heart palpitations while writing the first 1 or 2 paragraphs. Have you ever experienced something like this? If so, what causes this for you? Have you ever figured out what causes it in the first place? If so, how did you handle it? I would like to hear your experiences on what triggers Writer's Block and how you deal with it. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. I am sure that there are numerous ways to deal with it. However, I would like to share with you my experience of how I manage to overcome the feeling of writer's block and the tools I use. What Causes Writer's Block? I believe the most significant cause of writer's block is stress. There are numerous things that can trigger stress including financial worries, relationship issues, family responsibilities and etc. Whatever the source is of your stress it is important to remove yourself from these stressful situations in order to alleviate this feeling entirely. cfa1e77820